
Northern Railway Lucknow Scout And Guide Quota group D Jobs 2014

Recruitment in Northern Railway Northern Railway Recruitment 2014: Northern Railway invites applications for the recruitment of 04 posts of Group-D against Scout and Guide Quota at Lucknow division. Interested candidates can apply on or before: 20-01-2014 by 17:30 hrs and written exam and interview will be conducted on 01-03-2014. More details about  Northern Railway Scout and Guide Group D jobs given below.

NAME OF POST:Recruitment of Group D jobs in Northern Railway
Scout/ Guide of Grade D : 04 Posts
* Minimum Educational Qualification :Candidates should have 10th pass from recognized school and should be a member of Scout-Guide Organization for at least 3 years and 1 event at National level and 1 or 2 event at State level.
* Age Limit and Relaxation:Candidates age should be 18 years to 33 years for general and 18 years to 36 years for OBC and 18 years to 38 years for SC/ ST as on 01-01-2014. Age Relaxation is applicable for SC/ ST/ OBC candidates.
EXAMINATION FEE:Candidates should take Crossed Indian Postal Order (IPO) or A/c payee Demand Draft (DD) of any Nationalized Bank of Rs.40/- (for general) and no fee for SC/ ST/ Ex.Servicemen drawn in favour of District Commissioner Northern Railway Bharat Scouts and Guides, Lucknow Dist and the validity of bank draft should be minimum 3 months. Candidates must write their name, full address at the space provided in the postal order/ bank draft.
MODE OF SELECTION :Candidates are selected based on written test/ Viva vise test and interview
Eligible candidates can apply on good quality A-4 size full scale paper (should be typed) or fill with their application by hand writing either in English or Hindi along with 2 passport size photos in Scout Guide uniform , all copies of certificates regarding age, qualification, etc duly attested by Gazetted Officer by ordinary post to Asst Personnel Officer (Adm), Divisional Railway Manager Office, Hazratganj, Lucknow or deposit in the box kept for this purpose on or before 20-01-2014 by 17:30 hrs.Candidates are requested to bring their original uniform on 01-03-2014.
  • Last Date for Submission of Application: 20-01-2014 by 17:30 hrs
  • Date of Written Exam & Interview: 01-03-2014.
click here to download the advertisement:
Northern Railway
NDCR Building,
State Entry Road, New Delhi.
After all, what other experiences do we have to compare with travel as opportunities to expand our horizons (geographically, culturally, emotionally, intellectually) to encounter people, cultures and places so different from ourselves?" This is what Mick smith and Rosaleen Duffy conclude in their analyses of Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility. The efficacy of travel can never be over-stated and undertaking travel in the current times is increasingly becoming effortless thanks to the commitment and Zeal on the part of Railways, owing to their improved and widespread network.Northern Railway, the Jewel Set in the Crown of Indian Railways, has embarked on the mission to vanquish distances and create its own metaphor of existence. Formally established in the year 1952, it remains the largest zone in terms of route Kilometers, even after the re-organization of the Indian Railways into 16 zones. Northern Railway now comprises of 5 Divisions-Ambala, Delhi, Ferozpur, Lucknow and Moradabad.Spreading across the states of Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and the Union Territory of Chandigarh, Northern Railway seems to have the vantage point of standing atop the peninsula and transposing its work rhythms to the rest of the country.Every land of India has its unique tale to narrate. Here are some special locations where one experiences the uniqueness of India, where one marvels at the cultural mosaic that is India. The terrain that falls in Northern Railway is also varied, from the mountainous Shivalik range to the lush Tarai region and the majestic Gangetic plains. The North of the country is bordered by the mighty Himalayas, the highest mountains on the earth.