CRWC Vacancy for Various Executive Posts:Central Railside Warehouse Company Ltd (CRWC), a Govt. of India Enterprise is engaged in planning,development and operation of Warehousing Complexes/Terminals/Multimodal Logistics Hubs across the country. CRWC is looking for young & dynamic candidates who are fulfilling the eligibility conditions for various Executive posts vacancies. More Details all about this recruitment notification are given below...
Advertisement No. CRWC-I/Recruitment Phase-III/16-17/10949
Post Name:-Executive Posts(14 posts)
Age Limit:18-35 Years
Scale Of Pay(IDA ): Rs 12600-32500-/
How To Apply:-
Candidates can apply online only from 08/04/17 to 01/05/17 and no other mode of application will be
Instructions For Applying Online:-
Before applying online, candidates should scan their photograph and signature and have a valid email ID, which should be kept active till the completion of this round of Recruitment Process. CRWC may send call letters for the Examination etc. through the registered e-mail ID.
Unreserved (UR) and OBC -Rs. 500/- + bank Charges
Candidates shall be required to pay an online application fee. SC/ ST/ PH/ Ex-Servicemen candidates will be exempted from the payment.
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Important Dates:-
Advertisement No. CRWC-I/Recruitment Phase-III/16-17/10949
Post Name:-Executive Posts(14 posts)
VACANCY DETAILS(Executive Posts)
Post Name
No Of Posts
Operations/ Marketing
Total Posts:08
UR: 07
OBC: 01
UR: 07
OBC: 01
MBA with specialization in Marketing/
Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing/
Logistics/Operations /Supply-Chain
Management from a UGC/ AICTE
recognized University / Institution with
minimum 60% marks
Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing/
Logistics/Operations /Supply-Chain
Management from a UGC/ AICTE
recognized University / Institution with
minimum 60% marks
IT(E-0 Grade )
Total Posts:01
UR: 01
UR: 01
B.E / B. Tech with specialization in
(CSE/IT) / MCA/ MSc (IT) from a UGC/
AICTE recognized University / Institution
with minimum 60% marks.
(CSE/IT) / MCA/ MSc (IT) from a UGC/
AICTE recognized University / Institution
with minimum 60% marks.
F&A(E-0 Grade )
Total Posts:01
UR: 01
UR: 01
Pass in CA/ICWA Examination
MBA with specialization in Finance/
PGDM (Finance) from a UGC/ AICTE
recognized University / Institution with
minimum 60% marks.
MBA with specialization in Finance/
PGDM (Finance) from a UGC/ AICTE
recognized University / Institution with
minimum 60% marks.
Civil(E-0 Grade )
Total Posts:02
UR: 02
UR: 02
Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering
from a Govt. Recognized Institute with
60% marks.
Diploma in Civil Engineering from a Govt.
Recognized institute with 60% marks.
from a Govt. Recognized Institute with
60% marks.
Diploma in Civil Engineering from a Govt.
Recognized institute with 60% marks.
Electrical(E-0 Grade )
Total Posts:01
UR: 01
UR: 01
Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering
from a Govt. Recognized Institute with
60% marks.
Diploma in Electrical Engineering from a
Govt. Recognized institute with 60%
from a Govt. Recognized Institute with
60% marks.
Diploma in Electrical Engineering from a
Govt. Recognized institute with 60%
HR(E-0 Grade )
Total Posts:01
UR: 01
UR: 01
MBA with specialization in
HR/Personnel Management or PG Degree
/ PG Diploma in HR / PM&IR from a
UGC/ AICTE recognized University /
Institution with minimum 60% marks.
HR/Personnel Management or PG Degree
/ PG Diploma in HR / PM&IR from a
UGC/ AICTE recognized University /
Institution with minimum 60% marks.
Age Limit:18-35 Years
Scale Of Pay(IDA ): Rs 12600-32500-/
How To Apply:-
Candidates can apply online only from 08/04/17 to 01/05/17 and no other mode of application will be
Instructions For Applying Online:-
Before applying online, candidates should scan their photograph and signature and have a valid email ID, which should be kept active till the completion of this round of Recruitment Process. CRWC may send call letters for the Examination etc. through the registered e-mail ID.
- Candidates are first required to go to the CRWC website and click on 'Online Recruitment’ and then click on the option ― CLICK HERE TO APPLY ONLINE‖ to open the On-Line Application Form.
- click on CLICK HERE FOR NEW REGISTRATION to fill application Form.
- After Submission of Application Form Provisional Registration Number and Password will be generated.
- Candidates are required to upload their photograph and signature.
- candidates are advised to use the ―SAVE AND NEXT‖ facility to verify the details and then click on FINAL SUBMIT Button.
- Then Candidates Pay their Application fee by online Transaction process.On successful completion of the transaction, an e-receipt will be generated. Take print out .
Unreserved (UR) and OBC -Rs. 500/- + bank Charges
Candidates shall be required to pay an online application fee. SC/ ST/ PH/ Ex-Servicemen candidates will be exempted from the payment.
Click here For Advt
Important Dates:-
- Opening date of Online Registration- 08.04.2017
- Payment of Application Fees( Online)- 08.04.2017
- Last date of online application submission with fee- 01.05.2017
- Download of Call letter for Examination Around 7 days before exam
- Online Examination In the month of May/June 2017
- Download of call letters for Interview Will be intimated later
- Conduct of Interview Will be intimated later