
Apply for Various manager posts vacancy in Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd

Recruitment in DMRC
DMRC Vacancy 2014:Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd has published the notification April 2014 for 51 posts vacancy of various manager posts like General Manager in some trades,Assistant Manager,Section Engineer and Junior Engineer.Eligible candidate can apply on or before 16th may 2014.All about of various posts in DMRC 2014 noted below.

POST NAME: Various manager posts vacancy in Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd
  • General Manager (Civil) : 07 posts
  • General Manager (Electrical) : 03 posts
  • General Manager (Signal & Telecom) :  02 posts
  • Dy. General Manager (Civil)  : 10 posts
  • Dy. General Manager (Electrical) : 04 posts
  • Dy. General Manager (Signal & Telecom) : 04 posts
  • Dy. General Manager (Traffic) : 01 post
  • Assistant Manager (Civil) : 05 posts
  • Section Engineer (Civil / Track) : 10 posts
  • Junior Engineer (Civil / Track) : 05 posts
Qualification : For Various manager posts in DMRCL Applicants Should posseses B Tech engineering from recognized university
Age Limit:Candidates should not be above 61 years.
SELECTION PROCESS:The selection of candidates will be based on two stages,i.e,personal interview and medical examination.
Applicants can apply only through prescribed format, available in official website and send it along with photocopies of all necessary documents by speed post to the General Manager (HR), IIIrd Floor, Metro Bhawan, Fire Brigade Lane, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi - 110001.
click here to download Advt and Application format of DMRC vacancy : 
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (DMRC)
(A Joint Venture of Govt. of India and Govt. of Delhi)
Fire Brigade Lane, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi - 110001, India
1.Names of shortlisted candidates will tentatively be put up on our website on 02/06/14 (6 pm).The shortlisted candidates will have to appear for interview on the scheduled dates and time with all originaldocuments /testimonials and experience certificates.The interview will tentatively start from 10/06/14, at Metro Bhawan, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi. Noseparate communications by post will be sent to the candidates individually. The candidates are required to gothrough the instructions for interview displayed on our website and appear for the interview accordingly alongwith original copies of testimonials. The candidates should be in constant touch with DMRC website for updated information.
2. The detailed form to be filled up is enclosed. The candidates shall submit the filled in format and attach two copies of recent passport size photos and all the relevant documents and testimonials.
3. Incomplete Applications or applications received after the due date will be summarily rejected. DMRC is not responsible for Loss/delay in post.
4. DMRC is not responsible for any printing error that might have inadvertently crept in.In case a candidate is already employed in a Govt. / PSU organization, the NOC for attending the interview fromthe present employer will be required at the time of interview.The eligible and willing candidates who fulfill the above mentioned eligibility criteria may apply along withtheir detailed particulars in the enclosed format by 16/05/14, positively by speed post to:THE ENVELOPE SHOULD BE PROPERLY SEALED AND SUPER SCRIBED WITH name of the post-----------, Post Code------------------To,General Manager (HR)IIIrd Floor, Metro BhawanFire Brigade LaneBarakhamba Road New Delhi-110001
For implementation and subsequent operation of Delhi MRTS, a company under the name DELHI METRO RAIL CORPORATION was registered on 03-05-95 under the Companies Act, 1956. DMRC has equal equity participation from GOI and GNCTD.Delhi Metro is a world-class metro. To ensure reliability and safety in train operations, it is equipped with the most modern communication and train control system. It has state-of-art air-conditioned coaches. Ticketing and passenger control are through Automatic Fare Collection System, which is introduced in the country for the first time. Travelling in Delhi Metro is a pleasure with trains ultimately available at three minutes frequency. Entries and exits to metro stations are controlled by flap-doors operated by 'smart-cards' and contact less tokens. For convenience of commuters, adequate number of escalators are installed at metro stations.Unique feature of Delhi Metro is its integration with other modes of public transport, enabling the commuters to conveniently interchange from one mode to another.