
Rail Wheel Factory Bangalore Recruitment 2013-14 for Junior Clerk jobs

Rail Wheel Factory jobsRail Wheel Factory Vacancy 2013-14: Rail Wheel Factory, Bangalore invites applications for the recruitment of 07 Posts of Junior Clerk cum Typist & Helpers Posts against sports quota. Intrested candidates can send their applications on or before 25 Nov 2013 by 17:00 hrs. For more details about RWF Junior Clerk jobs given  below.

REFERENCE NUMBER:1/2013 DATED 30-09-2013
NAME OF POST:Recruitment of Junior Clerk-cum-Typist in Rail Wheel Factory 2013-14
I. Junior Clerk-cum-Typist:
Name of the Sports Discipline:
1. Cricket: 02 posts
II. Helpers: 05 posts
Name of the Sports Discipline:
2. Cricket: 01 post
3. Football: 01 post
4. Hockey: 01 post
5. Kabbadi: 01 post
6. Tennis: 01 post
* Minimum Educational Qualification :Candidates must possess Minimum SSC/ Matriculation and with sports qualification for the post No.I, Pass in Xth std. or ITI in relevant trade or its equivalent and with sports qualification for the post No.II.
* Age Limit and Relaxation:Candidates age limit should be in between 18-25 years as on 01-01-2014.
EXAMINATION FEE:Candidates have to pay processing fee of Rs.40/- in the form of crossed Indian Postal order drawn in favour of Assistant Chief Cashier, Rail Wheel Factory, Yelahanka, Bangalore-560 064, payable at Bangalore. Candidates belongs to SC/ST, Women, Minorities & EBC are exempted from fee.
MODE OF SELECTION :Candidates will be selected based on their performance in trails/ interview. Eligible candidates will be called for interview.
Intrested sports person can send applications in the given prescribed format along with relevant enclosures as given in recruitment notification and two recent passport size photographs, one affixed at the top of the application on right side and one attached to the application with proof of date of birth certificate, educational qualification and achievements in sports events duly attested by a Gazetted Officer should be sent by post in an envelop super scribed as “Application for Recruitment Against Sports Quota for the Year 2013-14 in RWF” addressed to Chief Personnel Officer, Rail Wheel Factory, Yelahanka, Bangalore-560 064, so as to reach on or before 25-11-2013 by 17:00 hrs
click here to download the advertisement:
Chief Personnel Officer,
Rail Wheel Factory, Yelahanka,
Bangalore-560 064
i. The number of vacancies given above is only provisional and is liable to vary atthe time of final selection. In case, the vacancy position for the abovecategory is reduced to any number or even NIL, Rail Wheel Factory,Yelahanka, Bangalore, will not be liable to compensate the applicant for anyconsequential damage/loss and or refund of the Processing Fee.
ii. Certificates in original should not be sent along with the application. Theyshould be produced as required later.
iii. If any of the enclosures are sent separately or subsequent to the receipt ofapplication or the enclosures are not firmly stitched to the application, theapplication will be rejected.
iv. Candidates trying to use influence or unfair means would be disqualified fromselection.
v. If there is any change in the address, the candidate should in his/her owninterest arrange with the Post Office concerned for redirection of thecommunication from old to new address.
vi. Candidate should be in readiness to appear for the trials at short notice afterthe last date for receipt of application is over.
vii. Candidates already employed in Central/State/PSUs including Railways shouldsubmit their applications through proper channel duly submitting servicecertificate and no objection certificate from the employer.
viii. The specific position played in the particular game/event, if applicable, shouldbe mentioned without fail.
ix. If the information furnished by him/her for recruitment are found incorrect/fakeat any stage, the services of such sportsperson recruited will be terminatedobserving requisite procedure for such termination.
x. The decision of the Railway Administration in all matters relating to eligibility,acceptance or rejection of the application, penalty for false information andmode of selection shall be final and binding on the candidates.
The cost of imports was high with prices rising in the world market. Financing of imports, delays in supplies and limited availability of foreign exchange adversely affected wagon production and rolling stock maintenance. It was in this context that in the early 1970s the Railway Ministry felt the necessity for setting up a new specialized Production Unit for manufacture of rolling stock wheelsand axles as import substitute. The ultimate objective was that DSP and the Rail Wheel Factory [RWF, formerly Wheel & Axle Plant] should be able to totally meet Indian Railways requirement for standard wheels and axles so that their import could be stopped.An extensive study was made of the latest technology and equipment available globally possibility of collaboration and foreign exchange requirement. Based on this study the Rail Wheel Factory project was conceived in the mid 70s with IR deciding to:Adopt the cast wheel technology developed by M/S Griffin Wheel CO., USA for wheel manufacture. American Railroads have been using cast wheels for freight operations while European Railways use forged wheels. Adoption of cast wheel technology was found more suitable as the productivity of the plant is higher and cost of production lower as compared to forged wheels. The net saving in foreign exchange on wheel imports was estimated at Rs.8 Crores per annum. Undertake axle forging on special purpose Long Forging Machine followed by heat treatment furnaces with automated conveyors for movement of axles.Provide axle-machining facilities incorporating profile copying lathes, special purpose end machining equipment and a wheel set assembly complex with integrated engineering for handling and movement of axles.The Plannning Commission sanctioned the Rail Wheel Factory Plant project in 1978 at a cost of Rs.146 Crores. Trial production commenced during 1983.