South Eastern Railway Vacancy 2013 : South Eastern Railway released a notification for the recruitment of Group C and Group D jobs under Sports Quota. Eligible Sports Persons can apply for South Eastern Railway recruitment according to the age limit and qualifications on before 28 Oct 2013. For More details about SER Sports Quota Jobs given below.
NAME OF POST:South Eastern Railway 54 sports quota job vacancy 2013-14
Group C and Group D : 54 Posts under Sports Quota
2) For the post having GP Rs.1900/-& Rs.2000/-Pass in Matric or its equivalent.
3) For the post having GP Rs.1800/- Pass in Matric or ITI Or its equivalent.
(a)Represented the Country in Olympic Games (Senior Category OR (b) at least 3rd Position in any of the Championships/event in the World Cup (Junior/ Senior Category) / World Championships (Junior/ Senior Category)/ Asian Games (Senior Category)/Commonwealth Games (Senior Category).,:
* Age Limit and Relaxation:Minimum 18 yrs – maximum 25 years as on 01.01.2014. (No relaxation in lower or upper age limit is permissible for any category of candidates).
EXAMINATION FEE:A non-refundable Bank Draft / Indian Postal Order for Rs.100/- will be the examination fee for unreserved and OBC candidates. Bank Draft/IPO should be issued in favour of the addressee as indicated in the table- under Para-10. SC / ST, Women, Minorities & Economically backward class candidates are exempted from payment of application fees. Minorities will mean Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Zoroastrian (Parsis). For claiming waiver of examination fee, minorities’ candidates should furnish ‘Self declaration’ as mentioned in Annexure-III along with the application form. Economically Backward Classes will mean the candidates whose family income is less than Rs.50,000/-per annum, income certificate for this purpose should be issued from the Specified Authority and on Specified Format as per Annexure-II.
MODE OF SELECTION :Candidates would be selected based on their performance in written test and interview and a team selector will select the sports ability of this sports person as required by SER.
b) Two passport size photograph (one to be pasted in the space of the application form and other to be clipped with the application form)
c) All the Photocopies of Sports achievement Certificates, Age proof certificate, Education qualification and caste certificate should be self attested by the Candidate and should be enclosed along with application form.
d) Any discrepancy found in the application and documents submitted by the applicant will render the application invalid. Candidates should write the “name of the event, category applied for and post applied for” in block letters at the top of envelope which should be super scribed: “Application for recruitment against Sports Quota- 2013-14.”
e) In case of serving employee “No objection Certificate” from the employer should be attached.
f) Candidates are advised to Log on our official website
under the ‘News & Updates’ tab for downloading the application form.
click here to download the advertisement:
South Eastern Railway
ii) No TA/DA/Accommodation will be given for appearing in the selection trial / interview.
iii) You will have to bring your own kits and also two recent passport size attested photographs same as pasted in the application.
iv) You may be required to stay during the selection for 02 / 03 days, for which you have to make your own arrangements. The Railway Administration reserved all rights to fix any day as deemed suitable, change of place or postpone trial / interview at its own convenient which can also be cancelled due to unforeseen causes against which no claim will be accepted.
v) All copies of Certificates submitted along with the application should be self attested by the candidate. The candidates would be finally selected for employment only if
they pass the medical examination prescribed for the post to which he/she will be appointed and ready to be posted anywhere over South Eastern Railway where vacancies are available.
vi) Canvassing in any form he/she shall render the candidate liable for disqualification.
REFERENCE NUMBER:04/SER/Sports/2013-14.NAME OF POST:South Eastern Railway 54 sports quota job vacancy 2013-14
Group C and Group D : 54 Posts under Sports Quota
* Minimum Educational Qualification :1) For the post having GP Rs.2800/-A University Degree or its equivalent.2) For the post having GP Rs.1900/-& Rs.2000/-Pass in Matric or its equivalent.
3) For the post having GP Rs.1800/- Pass in Matric or ITI Or its equivalent.
(a)Represented the Country in Olympic Games (Senior Category OR (b) at least 3rd Position in any of the Championships/event in the World Cup (Junior/ Senior Category) / World Championships (Junior/ Senior Category)/ Asian Games (Senior Category)/Commonwealth Games (Senior Category).,:
* Age Limit and Relaxation:Minimum 18 yrs – maximum 25 years as on 01.01.2014. (No relaxation in lower or upper age limit is permissible for any category of candidates).
EXAMINATION FEE:A non-refundable Bank Draft / Indian Postal Order for Rs.100/- will be the examination fee for unreserved and OBC candidates. Bank Draft/IPO should be issued in favour of the addressee as indicated in the table- under Para-10. SC / ST, Women, Minorities & Economically backward class candidates are exempted from payment of application fees. Minorities will mean Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Zoroastrian (Parsis). For claiming waiver of examination fee, minorities’ candidates should furnish ‘Self declaration’ as mentioned in Annexure-III along with the application form. Economically Backward Classes will mean the candidates whose family income is less than Rs.50,000/-per annum, income certificate for this purpose should be issued from the Specified Authority and on Specified Format as per Annexure-II.
MODE OF SELECTION :Candidates would be selected based on their performance in written test and interview and a team selector will select the sports ability of this sports person as required by SER.
a) Application as per format given should be submitted on A4 size paper duly filled in by the candidates own handwriting, duly accompanying with attested copies of all certificates andb) Two passport size photograph (one to be pasted in the space of the application form and other to be clipped with the application form)
c) All the Photocopies of Sports achievement Certificates, Age proof certificate, Education qualification and caste certificate should be self attested by the Candidate and should be enclosed along with application form.
d) Any discrepancy found in the application and documents submitted by the applicant will render the application invalid. Candidates should write the “name of the event, category applied for and post applied for” in block letters at the top of envelope which should be super scribed: “Application for recruitment against Sports Quota- 2013-14.”
e) In case of serving employee “No objection Certificate” from the employer should be attached.
f) Candidates are advised to Log on our official website
under the ‘News & Updates’ tab for downloading the application form.
click here to download the advertisement:
South Eastern Railway
i)bring original documents in support of date of birth, educational qualifications, sports achievements on the date of trial and interview; without which, you will not be allowed to appear in the selection trial. ii) No TA/DA/Accommodation will be given for appearing in the selection trial / interview.
iii) You will have to bring your own kits and also two recent passport size attested photographs same as pasted in the application.
iv) You may be required to stay during the selection for 02 / 03 days, for which you have to make your own arrangements. The Railway Administration reserved all rights to fix any day as deemed suitable, change of place or postpone trial / interview at its own convenient which can also be cancelled due to unforeseen causes against which no claim will be accepted.
v) All copies of Certificates submitted along with the application should be self attested by the candidate. The candidates would be finally selected for employment only if
they pass the medical examination prescribed for the post to which he/she will be appointed and ready to be posted anywhere over South Eastern Railway where vacancies are available.
vi) Canvassing in any form he/she shall render the candidate liable for disqualification.
ABOUT South Eastern Railway
South Western Railway was created by amalgamating the reorganized Hubli division from South Central Railway with Bangalore & Mysore divisions of Southern Railway. This railway has become operational from 1st of April, 2003 with its head quarter at Hubli in the state of Karnataka.The zone encompasses railway routes passing through Karnataka and parts of Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, Goa & Maharashtra.This unit at Bangalore was started in 1962 as a part of Southern Railway under the control of Engineer-in-Chief/Construction/Bangalore with headquarters of the Construction Organization at Chennai (Egmore). This unit was created mainly to look after various works connected with Mysore Division of Southern Railway and later Bangalore Division which was created during 1982. Subsequently headquarter of the head of the organization (Chief Administrative Officer/Construction (CAO/CN/BNC)) was shifted to Bangalore Cantonment. This office of CAO/CN/BNC was looking after all the construction works under Southern Railway falling in Southern Karnataka and some parts of Kerala. Due to setting up new zone, South Western Railway with headquarters at Hubli, with effect from 01.04.2003 consisting of three Divisions i.e. Bangalore, Mysore and Hubli Divisions, the new Construction Organization came into existence under the Chief Administrative Officer/Construction with headquarters at Bangalore.